You are a source of love and justice in the world.

Growing in your knowledge of yourself and the presence of the Sacred

keeps you connected to your hope and your purpose.

  • Spiritual Direction

    Monthly sessions create an intentional space to explore your stories and become more attentive to the presence of the Sacred and to the invitations to love within the concrete particulars of your life.

  • The Spiritual Exercises

    The 19th annotation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola invites you to come to know more fully your purpose in the world. It includes a daily commitment to personal prayer & weekly sessions for about 10 months.

  • Parent Coaching

    A combination of practical parenting strategies and an invitation into the inner work of becoming the parent that your children and the world needs.

Hi, I’m Nicki.

I live and work at the intersection of spirituality, justice, and parenting.

I believe that creating space to tend to yourself - your experiences, your stories, your desires, your limitations, your growing edges, your spirituality - enables you to better tend to those in front of you.

I believe this to be true for everyone who desires to be a source of love and justice in the world, and I believe parenting provides a particular context for this work.