Hi, I’m Nicki.
I work and live at the intersection of spirituality, justice, and parenting.
For as long as I can remember, I have been a seeker - seeking language, understanding, and connection to this sense of belonging to something so much bigger than myself. From fascination with the rituals and traditions of my Catholic upbringing, to the longing for personal connection within non-denominational Christian communities, to the integration of my own personal mystical experiences of the Sacred presence, to the study and dialogue with other religious and wisdom traditions, this exploration of the spiritual life has been the richest and truest expression of myself.
As this inner journey often does, this led me to seek integration between my inner and outer lives - and work towards a world of greater compassion, love, and justice. After years of direct service and activism work, I came to understand how important it is to remain grounded and connected to your sense of meaning and purpose in the work, your hope, and your community. You need a life of depth to sustain you in this work.
And then, I stumbled across a line in The Mystic Heart by Wayne Teasdale: “The definitive revolution is the spiritual awakening of human kind.” In an instant, this single sentence provided a narrative for me that I knew would direct my work in the world moving forward. Given the particularities of my own life - my gifts and longings, my growing edges and limitations, my social location - it became clear in that moment that the invitation to me was to support the transformation of the world through the spiritual lives of individuals. Since then, I have been accompanying others on their inner journeys.
My passion is the spiritual life and supporting others in becoming more self-aware, more present, more compassionate, and more aware of the Sacred in their lives. Yet my own experience in the early years of parenting is that all of this flew out the window within the particular context of family life. And then, one night after a particularly hard day of parenting, I had this paradigm shifting insight: parenting is a spiritual practice! I am the most successful as a parent when I am truly present to my kids, aware of what is going on within myself, and feeling compassion for both my own and my children’s experiences. And the depth of the relationship that these skills are developing between myself and my kids has made it even easier to recognize, honor, and celebrate the Sacred present within them.
In this way, parenting offers a uniquely powerful context through which we can be invited into our spiritual lives. It also offers us a uniquely powerful context through which we can contribute to the building of a more just, compassionate, and loving world. First, by shaping our children within these values. And secondly, by understanding that there are also implications on a systemic level. Within my own social location as a white, cis-gendered, heterosexual, able-bodied, educated mother, acknowledging my own privilege and doing my own work around my desire to “give my children the best” raises my awareness of the ways in which I have access to resources that can serve to further entrench myself and my children into systems of privilege and injustice, or can move towards opting out of those systems.
My story includes the way that my role as parent invited me deeper into my own spirituality and justice work. Yet the invitation into greater self-awareness, love, compassion, and justice is always present - whether or not you are a parent.
It is my deepest joy and privilege to explore these invitations within your own story.
The spiritual journey moves us both into the deepest parts of ourselves and outwards into the world. For me, this path has led to a variety of experiences and certifications that have led to my own integration and shape my work.
M.A. in Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA with a concentration in Social Theory and Ethics, and a certificate in Women’s Studies in Religion
M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, WI with an emphasis in developmental psychology and mindfulness-based therapies
Certificate in Spiritual Guidance from the Siena Retreat Center in Racine, WI
Certificate in Spiritual Guidance Supervision from the Siena Retreat Center in Racine, WI
Yoga Teacher Training from the Core Essence School of Yoga in Milwaukee, WI
Certified Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor by Gordon Training International
Certified Enneagram Spectrum Instructor from the Enneagram Spectrum in Chicago, IL